Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (2009)

This will be a list of all available functions in expressions.
- int
- string
- float
- sin
- cos
- min
- max
- milliseconds
- dvarint
- dvarbool
- dvarfloat
- dvarstring
- stat
- ui_active
- flashbanged
- usingvehicle
- missilecam
- scoped
- scopedthermal
- scoreboard_visible
- inkillcam
- inkillcamnpc
- player
- getperk
- selecting_location
- selecting_direction
- team
- otherteam
- marinesfield
- opforfield
- menuisopen
- writingdata
- inlobby
- inprivateparty
- privatepartyhost
- privatepartyhostinlobby
- aloneinparty
- adsjavelin
- weaplockblink
- weapattacktop
- weapattackdirect
- weaplocking
- weaplocked
- weaplocktooclose
- weaplockscreenposx
- weaplockscreenposy
- secondsastime
- tablelookup
- tablelookupbyrow
- tablegetrownum
- locstring
- localvarint
- localvarbool
- localvarfloat
- localvarstring
- timeleft
- secondsascountdown
- gamemsgwndactive
- gametypename
- gametype
- gametypedescription
- scoreatrank
- friendsonline
- spectatingclient
- spectatingfree
- statrangeanybitsset
- keybinding
- actionslotusable
- hudfade
- maxrecommendedplayers
- acceptinginvite
- isintermission
- gamehost
- partyismissingmappack
- partymissingmappackerror
- anynewmappacks
- amiselected
- partystatusstring
- attachedcontrollercount
- issplitscreenonlinepossible
- splitscreenplayercount
- getplayerdata
- getplayerdatasplitscreen
- experienceforlevel
- levelforexperience
- isitemunlocked
- isitemunlockedsplitscreen
- debugprint
- getplayerdataanybooltrue
- weaponclassnew
- weaponname
- isreloading
- savegameavailable
- unlockeditemcount
- unlockeditemcountsplitscreen
- unlockeditem
- unlockeditemsplitscreen
- mailsubject
- mailfrom
- mailreceived
- mailbody
- maillootlocalized
- mailgivesloot
- anynewmail
- mailtimetofollowup
- mailloottype
- mailranlottery
- lotterylootlocalized
- radarisjammed
- radarjamintensity
- radarisenabled
- isempjammed
- playerads
- weaponheatactive
- weaponheatvalue
- weaponheatoverheated
- getsplashtext
- getsplashdescription
- getsplashmaterial
- splashhasicon
- splashrownum
- getfocuseditemname
- getfocuseditemx
- getfocuseditemy
- getfocuseditemwidth
- getfocuseditemheight
- getitemx
- getitemy
- getitemwidth
- getitemheight
- playlist
- scoreboardexternalmutenotice
- getclientmatchdata
- getclientmatchdatadef
- getmapname
- getmapimage
- getmapcustom
- getmigrationstatus
- getplayercardinfo
- isofflineprofileselected
- coopplayer
- iscoop
- getpartystatus
- getsearchparams
- gettimeplayed
- isselectedplayerfriend
- getcharbyindex
- getprofiledata
- isprofilesignedin
- getwaitpopupstatus
- getnattype
- getlocalizednattype
- getadjustedsafeareahorizontal
- getadjustedsafeareavertical
- connectioninfo
- offlineprofilecansave
- allsplitscreenprofilescansave
- allsplitscreenprofilesaresignedin
- coopready
- localclientuimilliseconds
- ingamelobby
- getmatchrulesdata
- getsavedmatchrulesmetadata
- levelforexperiencemp
- levelforexperienceso
- iscardiconunlocked
- iscardtitleunlocked
- iscardiconnew
- iscardtitlenew
- iscardiconunlockedsplitscreen
- iscardtitleunlockedsplitscreen
- iscardiconnewsplitscreen
- iscardtitlenewsplitscreen
- isprofileitemunlocked
- isprofileitemunlockedsplitscreen
- isprofileitemnew
- isprofileitemnewsplitscreen
- getprofileanybooltrue
- getprofiledatasplitscreen
- userwithoutofflineprofilewarning
- dowehavemappack
- mayinviteplayertoparty
- getpatchnotes
- getgameinfos
- votecast
- votepassed
- getmapvotemapimage
- getmapvotemapname
- mapvotegametypename
- isfriendinvitable
- isfriendjoinable
- getsortedchallengeindex
- getsortedchallengename
- getsortedchallengecount
- getfilterchallengecount
- getfilterchallengelockedcount
- getfilterchallengecompletecount
- issortedchallengetiered
- getchallengefiltercachecount
- getchallengefiltercachecompletecount
- iscoopsearching
- coopshowpublictype
- coopdisplayablegroupnum
- coophasrequiredonlinefiles
- getTextWidth
- getTextHeight
- isdeveloper
- isusingairburst
- getairburstmeters
- getcrosshairtracemeters
- getfacebookstatustext
- isfacebookloggedin
- isfacebookchecking
- isfacebookallowed
- getprivatepartystatus
- includedinmaprotation
- select
- isdemoplaying
- getusergrouptext
- getusergroupcommoninteresttotal
- isdemofollowcamera
- isdemofreecamera
- isdemocapturingscreenshot
- ispartyhostwaitingonmembers
- ispopuppartymemberaway
- isselectedpartymemberaway
- gettime
- gameendtime
- hasfocus
- menuhasfocus
- getdemosegmentcount
- getdemosegmentinformation
- isclipmodified
- isusingmatchrulesdata
- isguest
- getfacebookhelptext
- iseliteclanallowed
- isentitlementsallowed
- isusergroupsallowed
- iswaitingforonlineservices
- getTextWidthModCase
- getSaveScreenTitle
- getSaveScreenDescription
- getOnlineVaultSelectedItemData
- isOnlineVaultRestricted
- isContentServerTaskInProgress
- getContentServerTaskProgress
- getRecentGamesSelectedItemData
- gametypenameAbbreviated
- mapvotegametypenameAbbreviated
- isusersignedintolive
- usercanplayonline
- getPastTitleRank
- getFeederData
- partyclientsuptodate
- truncateTextWithEllipsis
- uistarted
- canRenderClip
- getpreviewmapcustom
- getdlcmapsavailablecount
- isusersignedin
- isUsingIntermissionTimer
- isUsingCustomMapRotation
- menuistopmost
- facebook_isplatfromfriend
- eliteclan_isplatfromfriend
- eliteclan_isme
- eliteclan_isleader
- isusersignedinforvault
- getusingmatchrulesdata
- canuseraccessonlinevault
- friend_getgamertag
- recentplayer_getgamertag
- liveparty_getgamertag
- facebook_getgamertag
- eliteclan_getgamertag
- liveparty_isme
- liveparty_islocal
- doubleclickwasrightclick
- isdemocliprecording
- getIndexFromString
- getStringWithoutIndex
- eliteclan_getname
- eliteclan_gethelp
- eliteclan_getmotd
- eliteclan_ismember
- eliteclan_isemblem_ok
- facebook_friends_show_next
- facebook_friends_show_prev
- getOnlineVaultFriendGamerTag
- getObjectiveListHeight
- isClientDemoEnabled
- isusersignedintodemonware
- customClassIsRestricted
- weaponIsRestricted
- anysplitscreenprofilesaresignedin
- isguestsplitscreen
- isitemunlockedbyclient
- isanyusersignedintolive
- getPastTitlePrestige
- splitscreenactivegamepadcount
- showFriendPlayercard
- getFriendPlayercardPresence
- showRecentPlayerGroupIcon
- getwrappedtextheight
- canClientSave
- getgameinvitescount
- issplitscreengamerliveenabled
- so_coopShowCommonGroupIcon
- stripColorsFromString
- ischallengeperiodic
- getchallengedata
- iseliteapppresent
- eliteclan_selectedisme
- enoughStorageSpaceForClientDemo
- isusersignedinforcommerce
- getfacebookmenutext
- getfacebookisposting
- meetplayer_isplatformfriend
- isselectedplayerguest
- getsplitscreencontrollerclientnum
- isClientDemoEnabledSplitScreen
- ItemCanTakeFocus
- getTimeSinceLastDoubleClick
- isServerListRefreshing
- isRecipeNameValid
- recipeExists
- getfacebookoptionshelptext
- dowehaveallavailablemappacks
- isThereNewEliteItems
- isPayingSubscriber
- localuser_ismissingmappack
- localuser_missingmappackerror
- getFirstSpecOpsDLCMap
- localuser_missingmapname
- showStoreNew
- commerce_getstatus
- isManifestDownloaded
- areAllItemsUnlocked
- commerce_getstatuscond
- doWeHaveMissingOwnedContent