Item Properties
Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (2009)

This will be a list of all available properties in itemDefs.
All items
- name
- text
- textsavegame
- textcinematicsubtitle
- group
- rect
- origin
- style
- decoration
- autowrapped
- horizontalscroll
- type
- border
- borderSize
- visible
- disabled
- ownerdraw
- align
- textalign
- textalignx
- textaligny
- textscale
- textstyle
- textfont
- backcolor
- forecolor
- bordercolor
- outlinecolor
- disablecolor
- glowcolor
- background
- onFocus
- leaveFocus
- mouseEnter
- mouseExit
- mouseEnterText
- mouseExitText
- action
- accept
- dvar
- focusSound
- ownerdrawFlag
- enableDvar
- dvarTest
- disableDvar
- showDvar
- hideDvar
- focusDvar
- execKey
- execKeyInt
- gamemsgwindowindex
- gamemsgwindowmode
- decodeEffect
- exp disabled
- exp text
- exp material
- exp rect (X, Y, W, H)
- exp forecolor (R, G, B, A, RGB)
- exp glowcolor (R, G, B, A, RGB)
- exp backcolor (R, G, B, A, RGB)
- hasFocus - exp textaligny
Listbox items
- columns
- notselectable
- noscrollbars
- usepaging
- elementwidth
- elementheight
- feeder
- elementtype
- doubleclick
- selectBorder
- selectIcon
- exp elementheight
Editfield items
- dvarFloat
- localvar
- maxChars
- maxPaintChars
- maxCharsGotoNext
Multi value items
- dvarStrList
- dvarFloatList
Enum dvar items
- dvarEnumList
News ticker items
- spacing
- speed
- newsfeed